We focus on college funding, so you don't have to.

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Get expert help finding funding for college.

Since 2010, FindAid4Me has established itself as a premier financial planning firm that specializes in assisting families and students with finding financial aid resources for college.

You don’t have to go into debt to pay for college.

Our goal is to educate our clients and the community on available options for putting their children through school without excessive borrowing from student loans, 401Ks, or nest eggs

A little knowledge goes a long way.

In addition to our services and workshops, we offer educational resources that include an overview of financial aid basics, aid types available, and how to apply.

Passionately educating the community.

To give back, we offer free financial aid presentations to community organizations to ensure that everyone is educated on the financial aid process, no matter your household's financial situation.

  • "Natasha was very professional and provided recommendations on how to approach the universities to obtain more aid. I highly recommend her services."


  • “You helped us expand our search to a level we never thought possible. Thank you, FindAid4Me, for believing in us and pushing us forward. We really couldn’t have done it without you.”

    ~Casey Johnson

Book a free consultation session to see if our services can change your financial future.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.